Sunday, February 24, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog!

We are two teachers at the University of Ottawa completing our Primary Junior mathematics specialist qualifications.

The title of the blog was inspired by a comment of one of our colleagues in PDP 3232.
We created this blog as a resource for primary mathematics teachers (as we teach in that division) and parents of such students especially when they find that there is no math homework and they want their children to practise mathematics.

Since so many people are on the internet, we believe that a blog is an effective communication tool.

For us mathematics is a lot more than skill and drill. It is problem solving, game playing and pattern finding. We hope this blog will help parents and teachers, especially of primary aged children, explore these aspects of mathematics.

Our blog will be divided into the following categories:

1. Storybooks or literature
2. Curriculum links
3. Websites
4. Simple games to play at home
5. Relevant Computer Software

Thank you for dropping by. If you know of a good link, a good game, a good book or a good idea, please let us know and we will post it.

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