Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Children's Books with Sorting and Classifying Activities

Sorting and Classifying
Here are a few suggestions of books for bedtme reading that have a mathematics theme. Some ideas for activities to accompany these books are also given. By simply reading these books, parents and teachers can either introduce, support or review their children's understanding of fundamental mathematics concepts in a fun and engaging manner. This patricular entry pertains to books about SORTING and CLASSIFYING from the Patterning and Algebra Mathematics strand.

Noodles by Sarah Weeks This pop up book introduces the children to familiar and unfamiliar types of pasta. It's a delightful book and can introduce students to sorting and counting activities. Activities *sort different types of pasta *make sets with different types of pasta *use pasta to make numerals .

Strega Nona by Tomie De Paola Strega Nona lives in a small village in Italy and possess "magical powers." She has a magic pasta pot and a bumbling assistant, Big Anthony. Anthony's escapades with the pasta pot result in a multitude of magical math activities. Activities *sort pasta *measure items with different types of pasta *graph different types of pasta *cut out pasta pots and give students task cards with different numbers of types of pasta for students to paste on pot.

The Button Box by Margarette S. Reid

Grandma's Button Box by Linda Aber

"A Lost Button" from Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel To a little boy with a vivid imagination, his grandmother's button box holds more than buttons, he imagines where the buttons come from and what clothes they once adorned. His grandmother plays sorting games with him and tells him about the more unusual buttons. In "A Lost Button" a lost button results in a terrific lesson on attributes. Activities *have students sort buttons by different attributes

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss This zany book by Dr. Seuss is a fun and different way to look at sorting by different attributes. Activities *cut out different types and colors of flannel fish and have students sort different ways.

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