Sunday, March 2, 2008

Useful Math Websites

Useful Mathematics Websites Recommended by Colleagues

1. Kid’s Place Brain Teasers
Three different challenging problems a week.
On the negative side, there are no flashy graphics. It is more likely to appeal to adults than to children.

On the positive side, this site has a new brain teaser each week. One is for grades 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. Each problem comes with a set of hints. There is a link to the archive of past questions.

2. Math Cats
For primary and junior grades. Deals especially with problem solving and games.
From the NCTM journal, Teaching Children Mathematics for 2003

"The Web site at offers playful explorations of mathematical ideas that will pique students' interest... The most powerful part of the Web site... is the interactive applets that help students explore mathematics in a way that develops understanding..."

For a full review from Education World, click here. More reviews are available here.

3.Mr. Nussbaum
A variety of math games to reinforce basic computational skills.

On the negative side, the graphics on the free site are relatively simple.

On the positive side, there are a variety of activities to support fluency of basic facts. If you want your child to practise traditional algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the “Draggable Math” game is a good place to start. Its use of columns would be good for a child who had fine motor problems too.

Over 50 math games for grades PreK to grade 4. Many games in other subject areas too.

Click here to see how to use each math game.

On the negative side, there are lots of banner ads.

On the positive, the site is colourful, clearly organized and comprehensive. I especially appreciated the curriculum guide for the mathematics activities. See the Education World review here.

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